Wednesday, May 10, 2006

CSS Wonderland

To my wife I offer my apologies. I have been in the wonderful world of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) web coding.

CSS is part of the W3 organization standards committee. I have been consumed with the CSS drop down menus, what a great simple solution for non-Flash, non-JavaScript navigation. The only issue I had with the drop down menus I created for use with the new design of the web site.

Working with the CSS standards just made me realize how much I appreciate Netscape, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Camino. The CSS standards pretty much worked right the first time I tried it. The exception was working with Internet Explorer 6 for Windows computers. It’s hard to balance ‘standards’ with CSS working with 20% of all web browsing vs. the 80% of people using Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.
Thanks to Nick Rigby and Suckerfish for all their examples and support for the work around with Internet Explorer 6.

Let’s see what happens with the release of Internet Explorer 7.

Designed to Design

Design has always been of value throughout the ages, design is used to create a dynamic image that can stand out from the crowd, to create a repeatable identity such as a company logo using a common font, using common colours, using common shapes and elements in relation to each other.

Design has been used to celebrate, used to hide, used to solve problems and Create > Connect > Communicate with your audience and the world around you.